Thajské masáže Haťe

                                  Thai massage in Hatě - Welcome !


Do You Suffer from Back Pain?

If you suffer from back pain the reason lies mainly in sedentary job, and unfortunately, in insufficient exercise. One of the possible solutions is a regular visit of Thai massage. You will see that your investment in your health is profitable for you. Spare some time and come to experience it.

Thai Massage - What Is It?

Traditional Thai massage is an ancient art of healing that represents a unique system of techniques, like Hatha yoga, popularly called "lazy yoga". Traditional Thai massage is not only about strength performance on pressure points, but also about muscle, joint, tendon and feet relief as well as about spine stretch. The body working means of this unique relaxation massage spa are acupressure and yoga. Its great advantage lies in its total approach to wellness. The opening and clearing of energy lines and centres results not only in trouble free movement that was very problematic before. Everything is interconnected, and therefore, overall health starts to improve. Pressing of pressure points strengthens the activity of internal organs and it leads to increased resistance in general as well. Consequently, an amazing relaxation and regeneration of your whole body occures - eliminating of back pain and muscle pain, consequences of stress, psychosomatic sicknesses, blood circulation improvement etc.

How Thai Massage Is Performed

Thai massage works with strength performance on pressure points, relieves muscular and joint tension, tendon tension, and recovers your feet, adjusts the skeletal structure and evokes total physical and psychical relief. In this point it differs from classical massage that works only with muscles.
Masseuse uses fingers, palms, elbows, knees and feet to produce pressure combined with stretching and acupressure to unblock energy lines and to evoke total harmony in your body.
The massage itself is performed on a massage mat  or on a mat specially manufactured for its purpose. The procedure starts with feet massage where many reflex points are present and it leads to relief in problematic parts of the body. The massage continues laying back with legs, with the belly and upper limbs. Then you lay on your side and front and it all ends in a sitting position. The whole procedure is led by our qualified and trained Thai masseuses who guarantee your total regeneration.

How Often Should I Absolve Thai Massage to Gain Maximum Regeneration?

The answer is not easy. One single massage can not help to eliminate problems at once, however, step by step by regularity. Therefore, regularity is recommended and it opens possibility to prepare Thai massage program that perfectly fits to you. You can choose from different types of massage:


Traditional Thai Massage
. . . works with strength performance on pressure points, relieves muscular and joint tension, tendon tension, and feet tension, adjusts the skeletal structure and evokes total physical and psychical relief.
Oil Thai Massage
. . . a lighter form of classical Thai massage; works with lower pressure on single points.
Foot Massage
. . . a stimulating massage of reflex points that are interconnected to human organs, combined with calf muscle massage.
Back and Neck Massage
. . . tension relief in the upper part of your back, head, shoulders and neck.
Royal Massage
- after this procedure you feel like resurrected.

Antistress Masage
... releasing massage of face, combined with acupressure technique ...
Face Massage
... relaxing effects on central nervous system above all. It helps to remove the process of ageing ...
HERBAL Massage
It is traditional Thai massage using special warmed herbal bags applied on the places where energy flows ...

Massage Length

Those who are used to fifteen minute or half-an-hour massage will be surprised at Thai massage length. Our masseuse works on a complete massage for about three hours. Ninety minutes is considered to be a minimum sufficient length. Overall body massage stands against our hurry. You cannot taste relaxation resulting from the work of the masseuse in a short time. While recieving massage you easily loose the notion of time.

The Meditation Is the Most Important

Every massage starts with an approximately one minute prayer. It is a condition for a concentrated mind during the massage and to keep watchful meditating state during the massage performance. Thai masseuses turn their attention to the founder of the art. The prayer is a plea for liberating a patient from all the pain and sicknesses. A patient takes over the masseur’s tuning and the rhythm of the following massage through the first moments of contact. That is the reason why such an importance is put on relaxation of the mind and concentration.

The Use of the Relaxing Massage

  • To get rid of back and muscle pain.

  • To resolve work load or personal stress. For those who can not relax sufficiently.

  • To get rid of after-effects of physical activity (such as sports, dance, etc.)

  • Regeneration and recovery

  • Psychosomatic sicknesses

Come to relax and to absorb reviving energy that our newly opened massage center offers to you right in the heart of Prague. Let your thoughts freely pass amidst of the sound of beautiful music! Try traditional Thai massage in a home-like place with a breath of exotic atmosphere, full of oriental fragrances. You can stay for a while even after the massage to let it to take full effect with a cup of tasteful tea. You are invited by certificated Thai masseuses from Thaisun centre, trained in the most renowned Buddhist temple Wat Pho.

We will be pleased to take care of you!